UNIRIO – A Estatística em Foco
GAE – Grupo de Apoio Estatístico – Quantos somos? Você imagina o mundo sem esses números? Durante as eleições, qual a probabilidade de o seu candidato ganhar? Seu salário é suficiente para os gastos mensais? Quanto tempo uma pessoa leva de casa para o trabalho usando o transporte público? Como uma pessoa avalia a quantidade dos alimentos para o consumo de uma semana? As perguntas fazem parte do nosso cotidiano. Mas você já parou para pensar que tudo isso é Estatística? Muitas pessoas nem imaginam que ela faz parte da nossa vida desde a infância. O Núcleo de Imagem e Som (NIS) da UNIRIO produziu um programa que mostra o quanto estamos próximos deste universo e, muitas vezes, nem percebemos. Em 2015, a Universidade sediou a Conferência Internacional de Educação Estatística, que reuniu estudantes, professores, pesquisadores e curiosos para debater pontos de vista e trocar experiências sobre o tema. Quando o ensino de estatística deve começar? De que forma? Como despertar o interesse no tema? Qual o futuro deste aprendizado? Se souber responder, você pode ser um estatístico em potencial.
Hans Rosling: O Prazer da Estatística
Documentário leva os espectadores a uma viagem através do maravilhoso mundo da estatísticas para explorar o notável poder que tem de mudar a nossa compreensão do mundo, apresentado pelo Professor Hans Rosling, cuja visão aberta, de expansão da mente e engraçadas palestras on-line têm feito dele uma lenda internacional internet.
Rosling era um homem que se deleitava no glorioso mundo da estatísticas, e aqui ele explora sua história, como elas funcionam matematicamente e como elas podem ser usados atualmente no computador para ver o mundo como ele realmente é, e não apenas como o imaginamos ser.
Palestras de Rosling usavam grandes quantidades de dados públicos para revelar a história do desenvolvimento passado, presente e futuro do mundo. Aqui, ele conta a história do mundo em 200 países com mais de 200 anos, usando 120.000 números – em apenas quatro minutos
Peter Donnelly: How juries are fooled by statistics
TEDTalks – Oxford mathematician Peter Donnelly reveals the common mistakes humans make in interpreting statistics — and the devastating impact these errors can have on the outcome of criminal trials.
Steven Pinker: A brief history of violence
TEDTalks – Steven Pinker charts the decline of violence from Biblical times to the present, and argues that, though it may seem illogical and even obscene, given Iraq and Darfur, we are living in the most peaceful time in our species’ existence.
Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice
TEDTalks – Psychologist Barry Schwartz takes aim at a central tenet of western societies: freedom of choice. In Schwartz’s estimation, choice has made us not freer but more paralyzed, not happier but more dissatisfied.
Hans Rosling: No more boring data
TEDTalks – With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, statistics guru Hans Rosling uses an amazing new presentation tool, Gapminder, to present data that debunks several myths about world development. Rosling is professor of international health at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute, and founder of Gapminder, a nonprofit that brings vital global data to life. (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA.)
Sebastian Wernicke: Lies, damned lies and statistics (about TEDTalks)
TEDTalks – In a brilliantly tongue-in-cheek analysis, Sebastian Wernicke turns the tools of statistical analysis on TEDTalks, to come up with a metric for creating “the optimum TEDTalk” based on user ratings. How do you rate it?
Arthur Benjamin’s formula for changing math education
TEDTalks – Someone always asks the math teacher, “Am I going to use calculus in real life?” And for most of us, says Arthur Benjamin, the answer is no. He offers a bold proposal on how to make math education relevant in the digital age.
Patricia Kuhl: The linguistic genius of babies
TEDTalks – At TEDxRainier, Patricia Kuhl shares astonishing findings about how babies learn one language over another — by listening to the humans around them and “taking statistics” on the sounds they need to know. Clever lab experiments (and brain scans) show how 6-month-old babies use sophisticated reasoning to understand their world.
Dan Gilbert: Exploring the frontiers of happiness
TEDTalks – Dan Gilbert presents research and data from his exploration of happiness — sharing some surprising tests and experiments that you can also try on yourself. Watch through to the end for a sparkling Q&A with some familiar TED faces.
Paul Roberts: On Forensic Probability
RSS – StatsLife Videos – RSS 2014 International Conference, 1-4 September, Sheffield UK. Seminar by Paul Roberts, Professor of Criminal Jurisprudence, University of Nottingham.
Hal Varian explains why statisticians will be the sexiest job in the next decade
I keep saying that the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians, said Hal Varian, chief economist at Google. And Im not kidding. People think Im joking, but who wouldve guessed that computer engineers wouldve been the sexy job of the 1990s?” (Video from MQ 2009)
Dia do Estatistico – Opiniao Consultoria – TV Brasil
Entrevista TV Brasil EBC na Opinião Consultoria. O Dia do Estatístico e a profissão de estatístico.
L’Oréal For Women In Science Brasil 2013 – Dra. Florencia G. Leonardi by Multimedia Deluxe
Dra. Florência Graciela Leonardi, IME-USP (Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo)
“Inferência estatística para grafos aleatórios e redes probabilísticas”
ESTATÍSTICA – Programa “Na Real” – Adriana Silva
Vídeo da série Na Real, publicado no site do Guia do Estudante. Confira o dia-a-dia de um profissional de Estatística. Entrevistado: Adriana Silva, bacharel em estatística pela UNESP/Presidente Prudente.
Dia do Estatistico – Opiniao Consultoria – TV Brasil
Entrevista TV Brasil EBC na Opinião Consultoria. O Dia do Estatístico e a profissão de estatístico.
Estatística Computacional – Cristiane Karcher
Descubra o dia-a-dia do profissional responsável por calcular riscos de operações financeiras, de marketing e até de medicina na entrevista de Cristiane Karcher. http://www.ikwa.com.br/video/estatistico-2.
Bacharelado em Estatística – Curso Graduação ICMC/USP, Campus de São Carlos
Video institucional do curso de graduação de Bacharelado em Estatística oferecido pelo ICMC-USP no período noturno, Campus de São Carlos.
The impact of Statisticians, Actuaries and Economists during the Second World War
RSS – StatsLife – Videos Seminar by Eileen Magnello / University College London.
Você sabe o que é Estatística?
(Primeiro vídeo do Geração Estatística) – Bom galera esse foi nosso primeiro vídeo. Estamos tentando melhorar a cada vídeo postado. E o comentário de vocês será de grande ajuda, assim como o like! Curta nossa página no facebook.
História da Estatística
(Segundo vídeo do Geração Estatística) Bom galera, esse foi nosso segundo vídeo que trata dá história da Estatística. Estamos tentando melhorar a cada vídeo postado. E o comentário de vocês será de grande ajuda assim como o like! Curta nossa página no facebook.
Lista dos vídeos do grupo Geração Estatística da UFRN – aqui
- Statistics and the law – By Professor Gary Slapper (The Open University), Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 11 April 2011. With clean-up rates and reoffending numbers, discussions of crime often circle back to statistics. But are these ‘facts’ really such reliable witnesses? Read more: Statistics and the law
- Statistically significant: The US Supreme Court takes a view, By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 11 April 2011. A lawsuit over a cold remedy has forced the US Supreme Court into deciding what might be statistically significant. Read more: Statistically significant: The US Supreme Court takes a view
- The Joy Of Stats: How statistics make understanding foreign words simpler; By Professor Hans Rosling (Guest), Franz Och (Guest), Peter Norvig(Guest); 07 December 2010. Through a massive statistical analysis, Google have taught a machine to translate across dozens of languages pretty effectively. Read more: The Joy Of Stats: How statistics make understanding foreign words simpler
- The Joy Of Stats: Above average; By Professor Hans Rosling (Guest), Sir Michael Marmot (Guest), 07 December 2010. How many legs does the average Swede have? The surprising answer can tell us a lot about averages… Read more: The Joy Of Stats: Above average
- The Joy Of Stats: The Lady With A Data Visualisation; By Professor Hans Rosling (Guest), Dr Eileen Magnello (Guest),Professor David Spiegelhalter (Guest), 07 December 2010. Famous for her lamp, it was the light shed by Florence Nightingale’s statistics that really saved lives in great numbers. Read more: The Joy Of Stats: The Lady With A Data Visualisation
- The Joy Of Stats: Meaningless and meaningful correlations; By Professor Hans Rosling (Guest), Sir Michael Marmot (Guest); 07 December 2010. Just because two things might appear to be related, it doesn’t mean they are – but it’s the meaningful correlations that are the treasures of… Read more: The Joy Of Stats: Meaningless and meaningful correlations
- Watch The Joy Of Stats; By Professor Hans Rosling (Guest); 25 November 2010. Hans Rosling brings statistics to life in our series of short films. Read more: Watch The Joy Of Stats
- The Joy Of Stats: Why you might go up a hill, but come down a crime victim; By Professor Hans Rosling (Guest), Eric Rodenbeck (Guest), Michal Migurski (Guest), Chris Vein (Guest); 25 November 2010. Plotting San Francisco’s crimes onto a topographical map revealed a surprising factor in crime rates: where you are on a hill. Read more: The Joy Of Stats: Why you might go up a hill, but come down a crime victim
- The Joy Of Stats: 200 countries, 200 years, 4 minutes; By Professor Hans Rosling (Guest); 25 November 2010. Using top-quality data visualisation, Hans Rosling takes us through 200 years of global development. Read more: The Joy Of Stats: 200 countries, 200 years, 4 minutes
- Darwin and statistics; By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 19 March 2009. Little did Darwin realise, as he puzzled over the numerical data he collected, that he was laying the foundations of statistics. Kevin McConway tells the… Read more: Darwin and statistics
- Probability compared; By The OpenLearn team (The Open University); 26 November 2008; Chance is a strange business. You know that you’re going to die someday – you know that it’s hugely unlikely that you’ll be killed by… Read more: Probability compared
- Introducing data; By The Coast web team (The Open University); 17 June 2007. Understanding the ebbs and flows of the coastline is not just about observation but also about analysing data. Data is one of those words we… Read more: Introducing data
- Averages; By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 30 April 2007. We often quote averages, but do we really know what they are? Kevin McConway explains the difference between mean, median and mode. Read more: Averages
- Performance indicators, targets and league tables; By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 13 June 2006. Do performance league tables really guide us to making informed choices about health and education? Kevin McConway suggest we start by asking what is actually… Read more: Performance indicators, targets and league tables
- Monty Hall problem; By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 21 December 2005. A classic game show conundrum – should you stick with your choice, or change your mind? Read more: Monty Hall problem
- Coincidence, correlation and chance; By Helen Joyce (Guest); 21 December 2005. Helen Joyce and Andrew Stickland look at the probability of coincidence, correlation and chance in our everyday lives Read more: Coincidence, correlation and chance
- The Reality of Risk; By The OpenLearn team (The Open University); 21 September 2005. Is it possible to avoid risks altogether, or are we always destined to be playing the odds? Read more: The Reality of Risk
- Beating The Bookies?; By Alvin Hall (Guest); 21 June 2005. The Ever Wondered team gave financial guru Alvin Hall a fiver and sent him off to a greyhound track to explore how you can use… Read more: Beating The Bookies?
- Risk In The Skies; By Dr David Rothery (The Open University); 21 June 2005. Dave Rothery considers the chances of being killed as a result of an asteroid crashing to Earth Read more: Risk In The Skies
- Surveys: The Art Of The Possible; By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 20 June 2005. There are many factors that make up a ‘good survey’. Kevin McConway looks at the background behind the workings of surveys Read more: Surveys: The Art Of The Possible
- Confusing Terms In Statistics; By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 10 January 2005. Kevin McConway explains why, for a statistician, reliable and significant have specific meanings Read more: Confusing Terms In Statistics
- Probability; By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 10 January 2005. We’re thinking about probability more often than we might realise. Even weather forecasts are, at heart, ‘chances are’ reports Read more: Probability
- Statistics and the media; By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 10 January 2005. “Don’t believe everything you read” takes on a new perspective after you spend some time discovering how the media uses statistics. Read more: Statistics and the media
- Statistics: What is it or what are they?; By Professor Kevin McConway (The Open University); 10 January 2005. How can we hope to understand statistics if we can’t even be sure if they’re singular or plural? Kevin McConway has an answer Read more: Statistics: What is it or what are they?
- Khan Academy – Statistics; With a library of over 2,700 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 268 practice exercises, we’re on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace. STATISTICS: from Average to Correlation & Causality – high school level
- The Tribes of Science – More Tribes of Science – The Statisticians. At the annual Royal Statistical Society Awards, Peter Curran counts up the statisticians. Radio program – BBC/UK.