Grupos de debate sobre estatística no Brasil
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CONRE-3 no facebook – acompanhe a nossa página no facebook: diariamente novas postagens de empregos, dicas, discussões de interesse dos estatísticos, notícias sobre a nossa área e espaço para os nossos profissionais tirarem dúvidas ou se comunicarem com o CONRE-3.
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Estatística Brasil no facebook – Conta com mais de 3.700 membros; a idéia deste grupo e unir a comunidade estatística do Brasil e promover uma maior interação entre todos. Troca de conhecimentos, tirar dúvidas e tudo que for possível.
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STAT-MATH no YahooGroups – Conta com quase 6.000 membros e, além de discussões técnicas/teóricas sobre estatística, há muitos posts sobre oportunidades de trabalho e informações sobre o mercado de trabalho para estatísticos. É necessário ter um conta no yahoo e ser membro do grupo para ver os posts.
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Projeto Bussab de Divulgação e Educação Estatística – Em homenagem ao Prof. Wilton Bussab, grande divulgador/educador da Estatística no Brasil, a Associação Brasileira de Estatística (ABE), criou o "Projeto Bussab de Divulgação e Educação Estatística", que tem como objetivo: aumentar o conhecimento da Estatística e a sua inserção dentro da comunidade; aumentar o número de candidatos para cursos de graduação; reduzir a evasão nos cursos de bacharelado.
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estatí – Três jovens unindo forças para criar um referencial voltado para a magnífica área da Estatística, estabelecendo um local no qual as pessoas possam se manter informadas sobre as últimas noticias, indicadores, dicas sobre a carreira, Big Data, teorias e artigos científicos, biografias, dia-a-dia do acadêmico, indicações de livros, oportunidades de trabalho, entre outros assuntos. Nosso foco está na área das Entrevistas. Mesmo possuindo outros tipos de conteúdo, focamos a empresa em entrevistar profissionais que estão direta ou indiretamente relacionados à Estatística. Cremos que ao conhecermos um pouco mais sobre a trajetória, opiniões, modo de trabalhar ou até mesmo sobre casos curiosos contados por estes profissionais, teremos as nossas vidas e carreiras extremamente edificadas. |
Páginas e grupos de interesse no FACEBOOK
A Estatística no esporte
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Previsão Esportiva – A previsão estatística do Brasileirão 2012, feita pelo o Grupo de Modelagem Estatística no Esporte (GMEE), objetiva agregar pesquisadores, alunos de pós-graduação e graduação, interessados no desenvolvimento metodológico estatístico para dados esportivos. O GMEE foi criado junto ao Centro de Estudos do Risco (CER) do Depto de Estatística da UFSCar, e ao Centro de Matemática e Estatística Aplicadas à Indústria (CeMEAI) do Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC), da USP em São Carlos. |
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Chance de Gol – Website mantido pelo estatístico Marcelo Leme de Arruda, graduado e pós-graduado pela Universidade de São Paulo. Desde criança, Marcelo é aficcionado por rankings, tabelas, fórmulas e outras maneiras de se quantificar o nível técnico de equipes de futebol e de competidores de esportes em geral. Mantém atualizações e previsões para jogos de campeonatos internacionais e brasileiros. Twitter: Chance de Gol Oficial @cdegoloficial |
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Probabilidades no Futebol – Através de simulações computacionais, a equipe faz previsões sobre os principais campeonatos de futebol de pontos corridos do Brasil. É um grupo do Departamento de Matemática da UFMG apaixonados por futebol e matemática que realiza esse trabalho desde 2005. O principal objetivo é divulgar a matemática através dos esportes não só para os alunos dos cursos de exatas mas para todos que possuem interesse em aprender mais sobre ela. |
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O Uso da Estatística é uma Tendência dos Times Brasileiros – Pequena reportagem do programa ESPORTE ESPETACULAR (Rede Globo) que fala sobre o aumento do uso da estatística nos esportes no Brasil, sobretudo no futebol. Veja a reportagem aqui…
Blogs e Websites internacionais sobre estatística
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Amstat News is the monthly membership magazine of the American Statistical Association, bringing you news and notices of the ASA, its chapters, its sections, and its members. Other departments in the magazine include announcements and news of upcoming meetings, continuing education courses, and statistics awards. Twitter – ASA @AmstatNews – Washington, DC – The American Statistical Association, the world’s largest community of statisticians and second oldest, continuously operating professional society in the US.
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The Royal Statistical Society (RSS) is the UK's only professional and learned society devoted to the interests of statistics and statisticians. It is also one of the most influential and prestigious statistical societies in the world. The Society has an international membership, and is active in a wide range of areas both directly and indirectly pertaining to the study and application of statistics. Twitter – Royal Stat Society – @RoyalStatSoc – UK – Advancing statistics, supporting statisticians. |
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ISI – International Statistical Institute: The worldwide network of statisticians in all statistical disciplines. The ISI is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation and has consultative status by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1949. Officially, the ISI was established in 1885, though the initial international gatherings of statisticians started earlier – back in 1853. Therefore, we are one of the oldest scientific associations still active throughout the world today. Twitter – ISI – @IntStat – The International Statistical Institute (ISI) promotes the understanding, development and good practice of statistics worldwide. |
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Significance: statistics making sense – Statistics are key to understanding news, developments, and decisions. Updated daily, Significance brings you a statistical view of what's going on in the world. Twitter – Significance – @signmagazine – facebook |
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O ALEA – Acção Local Estatística Aplicada – constitui-se no âmbito da Educação, da Sociedade da Informação, da Informação Estatística, da Formação para a Cidadania e da Literacia Estatística como um contributo para a elaboração e disponibilização de instrumentos de apoio ao ensino da Estatística para os alunos e professores do Ensino Básico e Secundário, tendo como principal suporte um sítio na web. Melhorar a literacia estatística é, assim, uma condição importante para, por um lado, garantir uma melhor prestação de um serviço de utilidade pública e, por outro lado, fomentar ambientes e experiências de aprendizagem diversificados recorrendo às novas tecnologias de informação. |
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Top 50 Statistic Blogs of 2011 – Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the interpretation of data. Statisticians work in a wide variety of fields in both the private and the public sectors. They are teachers, consultants, watchdogs, journalists, designers, programmers, and by in large, ordinary people like you and me. And some of them blog. In searching for the top statistics blogs on the web we only considered blogs that have been active in 2011. In deciding which ones to include in our (admittedly unscientific) list of the 50 best statistics blogs we considered a range of factors, including visual appeal/aesthetics, frequency of posts, and accessibility to non-specialists. Our goal is to highlight blogs that students and prospective students will find useful and interesting in their exploration of the field. |
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Gapminder was founded in Stockholm by Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund and ![]() |
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The Endeavour – Prof. John D. Cook is also a statistician who has "published papers that have come out of solving problems in the design and conduct of clinical trials, and developed software to make innovative statistical methodologies practical." He is currently a research statistician at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and associate faculty for the UT Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Twitter – Probability Fact – @ProbFact – One probability fact per day M-F from Prof. John D. Cook. Twitter – Stat Fact – @StatFact – One statistics tip per day M-F from Prof. John D. Cook.
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Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science, Andrew Gelman, Bob Capenter, Aleks Jakulin and Phillip Price; sponsored by Columbia University, Department of Energy, Institute of Education Sciences, National Institute of Health, National Science Foundation and National Security Agency. Twitter – Andrew Gelman – @StatModeling – Columbia University. |
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Statistician to the Stars!— Prof. William M. Briggs, PhD, Professor & Statistical Consultant, Adjunct Professor of Statistical Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (teachs and advises mid-career students in the Masters Professional Studies program), Statistical consultant, Various companies. Modern statistics: Still using p-values? Estimating coefficients from regression models? The old ways of statistics had their day, but it’s time to move up to the modern way. Predictive analytics shifts thinking away from the data you have—about which you know everything—to data you have not seen. That data is the only true unknown. Twitter – @mattstat New York City, Statistician, writer. |
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Radical Statistics – We believe that statistics can be used to support radical campaigns for progressive social change. Statistics should inform, not drive policies. Social problems should not be disguised by technical language. Twitter – Radical Statistics – @RadicalStats -United Kingdom – facebook |
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Statistics – Econometrics – Forecasting – Welcome to our popular scientific resources website about Descriptive Statistics, Continuous Statistical Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Econometrics, and Time Series Analysis (Forecasting). Best of all: it is all free of charge! |
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Rationality, Markets and Morals – Studies at the Intersection of Philosophy and Economics – An open access journal published by Frankfurt School Verlag, Edited by Max Albert, Hartmut Kliemt and Bernd Lahno, Review Editor: Thomas Voss. Statisticians and philosophers of science ask many of the same general questions—questions that are entwined with long standing philosophical debates. Statistical science and philosophy of science are, or should be, connected by a two-way street: general philosophical questions about evidence and inference bear on the selection and interpretation of statistical methods; statistical methods bear on philosophical problems about inference and knowledge. |
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Statistical & Scientific Thinking – Using principles of Science and Statistical Thinking in Policy. John Dowd has taught and consulted in statistical and scientific thinking and competitive strategy for over 25 years. He has worked in over 25 different countries around the world and with organizations both large and small, commericial, non-profit and governmental. The aim of this blog is to explore how the principles of science and statistical thinking can be used in management and other decision making. In many cases data is presented (usually graphicall and when possible, in time sequence) and you the read can decide what the data mean. In as much as possible, I do not use data sources that have clear biases or promote data from suspicious sources. |
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Social Science Statistics Blog – This blog makes public the hallway conversations about social science statistical methods and analysis from the Institute for Quantitative Social Science and related research groups. Expect to see posts on trends in methodological thought, questions and comments, paper and conference announcements, applied problems needing methodological solutions, and methodological techniques seeking applied problems. Also included are summaries of papers and comments from a popular weekly research workshop held here and billed as a tour of Harvard's statistical innovations and applications with weekly stops in different disciplines. [read more…] – The Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University |
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Understanding Uncertainty – This site is produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim is to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining! However we also acknowledge that uncertainty is not just a matter of working out numerical chances, and aim for an appropriate balance between qualitative and quantitative insights. The current team comprises David Spiegelhalter, Mike Pearson, Owen Smith, Arciris Garay-Arevalo and Ian Short, with contributions from Hauke Riesch, Owen Walker, Madeleine Cule and Hayley Jones . However we are always looking for people who would like to contribute material to this site, and you will get proper acknowledgement. |